Opening date: October 24th, 2011
                  Application deadline: October 15th, 2011.
Shanghai Jiaotong Universty 每 Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille
MBA Information Session
October 15th, 2011 (shanghai)
14:00-16:00, Saturday, October 15th, 2011
English Version
Venue: Antai Building 102,North Building,Antai college of Economics and Management, 535 Fa Hua Zhen Road,Shanghai 200052
MBA Program feature, Curriculum structure, Alumni Story and Application & Admission procedure.
14:00 每 14:30 Registration and Cocktail (please bring your business cards)
14:30 每 15:00 MBA Program Introduction
15:00 每 15:15 Alumni Testimony
15:15 每 15:30 Tea Break
15:30 每 16:00 Q & A
Who should attend: Chairmen of boards, CEOs, Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, Financial Controllers, HR Managers and other senior managerial staffs
Note: Book this free lecture on the base of first come first serve
International dual-degree EMBA
  • The only Sino-foreign EMBA program that both institutions received EQUIS,AMBA and AACSB accreditation
  • Dual-degree of EMBA, lifting your personal brand at both domestic and international level
  • Exciting learning experience, three pillars to coach you: senior faculty, chief consultants, and participants with live cases
  • English teaching and part-time based, studying MBA in China while developing your international carrier in Asia-Pacific region
  • Executive-level business club and alumni

Opening date: October 24th, 2011
Application deadline: The end of Oct every year.

Part-time International MBA (Finance, Global Management & Talent Leadership )
  • Emphasize on personal development in the middle and long term
  • Specializes in three tracks, i.e. Finance, Global Management and Talent Leadership
  • Lectures are conducted in English
  • Participation in the alumni network both in Euromed Management and ACEM
  • Life-long study is ensured by regular executive talks
  In August 2011, Euromed Management has earned AACSB Accreditation. AEMBA becomes the first MBA/EMBA program that received three international accreditations for both two business schools in China.
To make an appointment with AEMBA staff face to face, Please contact AEMBA office:
Tel: 86-21-52301653 / 52301598
Email: GlobalMBA@sjtu.edu.cn
Website: www.aemba.com.cn